“Very friendly, but crying and walking funny”

Ever have a day like that? This was the descriptor that Ansley, my new social media friend and ally, posted after encountering my dear, old, mostly blind, cat Socks on the day she (Socks, that is) had decided that this day was as good as any to take a walk all the way across the greater metropolis of Craig.

Our working theory is that she was voting (with her feet) about this:

At the time, social media and I had been taking a break. I had just called my husband and told him that Socks hadn’t come back from her customary rainwater-sipping field trip, when my mother-in-law called (from Ketchikan) and said she seen a post about a missing cat. It took me a moment to understand that this wasn’t Scott’s post asking for help, that it was in fact a sighting:

Here is a map of her adventure:


Light Blue: our house

              Red: the area where we searched for several hours due to a misunderstanding

              Dark blue: sightings by kind neighbors

              Green: where my son Brooks found her after much looking and a few tears (ok, that last part was me)

Scale: From our house to the spot my son found her is a little under half a mile.

We got her home in front of the heater a couple hours before the gentleman in purple showed up:

And my Baby Girl is home and dry. Thank you, everybody.

7 Comments on ““Very friendly, but crying and walking funny”

  1. Good granny, what an ordeal. Every once in a while, King Louie of Dogswald would slip away whilst we weren’t looking, usually around midnight when I thought he was in one part of the yard, but he really really wasn’t. And after a half hour of me bellowing his name into the night, I’d see him peek around the corner of the church across the way, as if to say ” I’ve been on a walkabout and it was the Best. Night. Ever”.

    1. At least she was slow, and easy to catch. 🙂 We used to have a couple of dogs who could run like the wind, and often did.

      1. Alas, Louie’s running like the wind days are behind him. Now he’s more of a “I must protest from the comfort of my sheepskin bed” kind of guy.

    1. Thank you. After we brought her home from her epic journey on Monday, we got three more days of snuggles and love before she died quietly on Thursday afternoon.

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