6 Comments on “Welcome to my blog.

  1. Good work! I just read all of your blogs. They are seem part, historian, part educator and part humorist! Keep up the good work. May I post on FB for others to visit your blog?
    Blessings, M McD

  2. On the verge of quitting facebook again I saw your friend request and thought “well she’s back, I guess I’ll stay a while longer.” What a treat to find your blog and hear your Evelyn voice in every word. Also I think the pink rickrack should make a comeback. And stop being scared of spiders you dope.

  3. Thank you for being a model blogger. I have had a WordPress blog space for over a year and have not yet gotten up the nerve to push the share button. Are you enjoying the experience?

    1. I really have been enjoying it. I’ll keep writing as long as my material holds out! Please go ahead and share something.

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