A break in the weather

“Sucker hole” is the inelegant term that Southeast Alaska fisherman use to describe a temporary lull in a life- or investment-threatening storm. In this case, the “sucker” would see the blue sky, load up his creaky old troller to the limit with bait and gear, head out to the fishing grounds and fill his holds […]


I should start by explaining that “bee-arruh-arruh” is how you spell “brr” when you are laying on your Southern accent with a trowel. This was a favorite remark of my father’s when he would come in from a cold day, or when he would head downstairs to stoke the fire. During the winter of my […]

Termination dust

Walking with my son, aka Younger Brother, on this mid-November day, I was startled to see snow on the top of Sunnahae Mountain. I immediately felt cold! Younger Brother kindly pointed out that the cold sensation might have been augmented by any number of other factors, including the wintery-flavored wind, my lack of a hat, […]