Mary’s hair

Due to popular demand (by which I mean requests from my friend Carolyne and my sister Laura, both popular people), I am presenting here some evidence to back my past claims about my sister Mary’s hair. Take a look-see:

Isn’t it wonderful? Until she was seven or eight, Mary’s hair did what you see here: grew outwards in all directions, a mass of beautiful, wild ringlets. As she got a little older it learned to lie down a bit, and it grew well past her waist. Eventually it got so heavy that she couldn’t do anything with it, and for a few years she wore a shag (kind of like the more recent mullet):

As you can see, the cut made it thinner, but there was still a lot of it! By her early twenties she had cut it short, for many years she has had it like this:

At first, I griped about this, because I wanted more than anything to have my own hair grow waist-length and beyond, and hers did, and she didn’t like it. Grass is always greener. . .

But now, I get it! Long hair is crazy, especially for us ladies of a certain age, and it’s also cooler in the summer to have it short. Besides, she looks extra cute this way. So trim away, sister mine, and thanks for the time-lapse pictures.

8 Comments on “Mary’s hair

  1. What remarkable hair! I hate to be a beggar, but not enough to restrain myself, so if you ever find pics of that hair waist length, I would be very pleased to see them!! I doubt that my imagination can capture such abundance!

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