Buck up

When my father was in his long decline, he suffered from that bitterest of cocktails, depression with anxiety for a chaser. As part of a strategy to keep his spirits up, the family plastered his walls with posters like this: And this: These ideas definitely provided him with a distraction and helped him see that […]

Fine motor control

My two hands have served me loyally for a great many years, but now they are making noises about a partial retirement. Since I am not a good listener, the signs have been growing ever less subtle: carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and this nasty tearing pain in my right primate muscle every time I knit […]

Leaving well enough alone

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” These wise words, which I had heard more than once growing up, did not occur to me as I observed my son and nephew, ages five and eight respectively, happily playing a board game according to rules they had invented. The game, called “Pen the Pig,” was an […]

The evolution of bacon and eggs

Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you. . .microwave bacon! Like so many other things, this concept came to me due to a happy accident. Here’s the scene: having found myself home alone for two weeks, on the first morning I set out to fix myself some bacon and eggs. No sooner had I fired up […]

Stay warm

I have a special affinity for fingerless gloves. One time, a pair of such gloves in olive-drab, paired with a shapeless, dark gray thrift-store coat, almost got me evicted from a downtown Anchorage hotel on suspicion of being a homeless person. But I digress. My real topic of interest today is the endless war between […]

Goodbye, old friend

Some folks keep their loved ones’ ashes on the mantel for generations, while others resort to taxidermy when a beloved pet departs this earthly plane. As for me, I believe in rapid burial for my organic friends, but I must confess I have had the left-behinds of my long-defunct sewing machine sitting on a shelf […]

The kindness of strangers

In December of 2017 I went to Virginia for several weeks to help take care of my father. If I had known that he would die in mid-January, I (hope I) would have stayed for the duration, but I wound up leaving right before Christmas, and returning to Powhatan when I got the news. For […]