Let’s talk about lettuce

During my growing-up years, “lettuce” meant “iceberg lettuce,” although occasionally my mother would show up at the house with a strange, leathery substance known as “romaine.” While we grew many fruits and vegetables on the place, lettuce was apparently not among them. When a head of iceberg lettuce came into the house, there were three […]


When she was in her early twenties, my sister Mary fell asleep on Myrtle Beach (South Carolina). I am quite fair-skinned; Mary (and Laura too) might be even paler than I am. Anyway, when Mary woke up, she was badly burned (notice I don’t say “sunburned” because somehow that phrase seems to take the sting […]

Adventures in pyrotechnics

Of course, it’s a fairly common occurrence for conditions to be too dry for fireworks. Here in Southeast Alaska, though, it sometimes gets too wet for fireworks. This happens when the ground is so saturated with rain that you can’t find a stable spot to put things down. In conditions like this, you might light […]

Once more

“Once more” is what my father used to say when pulling up at the front door with some of all of his family inside. He would stop the car, turn off the key, and I would always wait a moment for him to say it. Then we would all climb out and head inside, once […]

Adventures in making toast

When I was a kid we had this old propane stove that worked fine, albeit without the benefit of pilot lights. Starting the burners was no big deal; you just held a match alongside while turning on the gas. The oven/broiler was a horse of a different color. You had to open the broiler drawer, […]

To wave or not to wave

Being polite, walking that shifting line that is somewhere between standoffish and slightly weird, is a tricky business. When I was a teenager, I worked at the local gas station/convenience store for a while. My co-worker Rosetta often entertained the rest of us with stories. One time she told us about her nephew Shelley, who […]