The Flood

Chapter Fourteen in “Decades with the Squad,” by my late father, William Palmer Jervey, Jr. Firemen frequently rescue cats from trees and dogs who have gotten their heads stuck somewhere. Rescue squads are not ordinarily involved with animal rescue. The major exception to this, in my experience, was when we rescued a herd of cattle. […]

The Horse

Chapter Seven in “Decades with the Squad” by William Palmer Jervey, Jr. This occurred at dusk. That dangerous time when headlights do little good and all colors blend into an ever-deepening shade of gray. There were three horses being ridden and were clustered close together when a large truck plowed through. Two horses were killed […]

Point it straight

As my sister Laura mentioned, “Point it straight” was another thing our dad liked to say. He would pull out this old saw when one of us was heading out behind the wheel of a car (to my mind, that car was usually the Warthog (see an earlier post), in which case he had reason […]

Once more

“Once more” is what my father used to say when pulling up at the front door with some of all of his family inside. He would stop the car, turn off the key, and I would always wait a moment for him to say it. Then we would all climb out and head inside, once […]

“Gimme them keys, boy!”

Some months ago, in Ketchikan, a 92-year-old driver struck and killed a woman in a crosswalk. The state’s consequences for the driver were to rescind his driver’s license. What, I wonder, have been the extent of the natural consequences for him and his family? Somewhere, somebody is thinking, if only I had taken Dad’s keys […]

Adventures in caving

Southwestern Virginia sits on top of a magnificent system of limestone caves, some of which span multiple states. When I was growing up, one of our family vacations was going to Luray Caverns for the guided tour. We saw formations called fried eggs, drapery, soda straws. . .Luray had boardwalks, spotlights, vending machines, and, way […]