The Bath

Chapter Sixteen in “Decades with the Squad,” by my late father, William Palmer Jervey, Jr. Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. The truth of this old saying was borne out in the episode of a simpleton literally racing the clock on his way from Powhatan to Richmond. An attractive young lady of Powhatan had the misfortune […]

The Finger

Chapter Fifteen in “Decades with the Squad,” by my late father, William Palmer Jervey, Jr. In this day of modern surgery, the reattachment of severed members has become quite commonplace. This being the case, much attention is given to retrieving the severed part and its proper care on the way to the hospital. In all […]

The Freeloader

Chapter Thirteen in “Decades with the Squad,” by my late father, William Palmer Jervey, Jr. The central figure in this one could be quite a few different people. Getting hooked into hauling someone to the hospital who doesn’t need an ambulance is an ever-present possibility. Under the law we are not required to respond to […]

The Home

Chapter Eleven in “Decades with the Squad,” by my late father, William Palmer Jervey, Jr. Blogger’s note:  The Muses are out getting their nails done, apparently, so I figured today is a good day to share something from my Pa, whom I credit as the source for both my writing and my acting chops. This […]

The Fire

Chapter Nine in “Decades with the Squad” by my late father, William Palmer Jervey, Jr. The home was a small frame house which was rapidly consumed by the flames. Indeed, so rapid and complete was the destruction that the fire chief became suspicious and called the arson investigator from the State Police. The fact that […]

The Stone

Chapter Eight in “Decades with the Squad” by my late father, William Palmer Jervey, Jr. This episode involved one who might be referred to as the Fastidious Gentlemen. On a scale of one to ten, he would surely be a nine. Believe it or not, he has on occasion involved himself in getting up hay. […]