The Flood

Chapter Fourteen in “Decades with the Squad,” by my late father, William Palmer Jervey, Jr. Firemen frequently rescue cats from trees and dogs who have gotten their heads stuck somewhere. Rescue squads are not ordinarily involved with animal rescue. The major exception to this, in my experience, was when we rescued a herd of cattle. […]

The Morgue

Chapter Five in “Decades with the Squad,” by William Palmer Jervey, Jr. It began as a simple suicide, if any suicide is really simple. The elderly recluse went out into the yard one summer evening, sat down in a chair in the shade of an old oak tree and put a pistol bullet through his […]

A little bit of backstory

True to my word, I have been posting stories from my father’s memoirs entitled “Decades with the Squad.” My sisters and I agree that, for two of the stories I have published so far, there is a little more to each. First, “The Wig.” This story concerned a woman who died of breast cancer. My […]

The Board

Chapter Four in “Decades with the Squad,” by William Palmer Jervey, Jr. This can only de described as a tragedy most ghastly. An example of the fickle nature of this thing called fate. Many young men have engaged in folly similar to that of the one in this case. Few have paid so horrible a […]

The Ribbon

Chapter Three in “Decades with the Squad,” by my father, William Palmer Jervey, Jr. “I’m OK. Help the girls,” pleaded the elderly gentleman as he stood shakily beside his demolished car. As was later determined, he was indeed alright, having sustained no injury. Most remarkable, considering the tattered wreck that had been his automobile. In […]

The Wig

From “Decades with the Squad,” by my father, William Palmer Jervey, Jr. She was a typical youngish grandmother, loved her grandchildren, was adept at grandmotherly things like baking cookies and making doll clothes. When the illness struck, she took it bravely. Fought the good fight. She endured the surgery, the treatments, the medicine. More surgery, […]

The Button

From “Decades with the Squad,” by William Palmer Jervey, Jr. He was a solidly built and sturdy young man, this faithful member of the Squad, who shall here be known as Murphy. Indeed, so dedicated was he that frequently when the tone went off his haste to respond made impossible the tying of the shoes […]

A new direction

Alas, my friends, my well of creativity has encountered a slight dry spell. When I started this blog in December of 2020, it was all I could do to not publish a new post two or three times a day! However, I find that in recent months I have slowed down. I told myself early […]