My little iron horse

When I was growing up, my sisters and I were enamored by the stories written by Laura Ingalls Wilder, also known as the Little House on the Prairie series. (For those of you thinking, “Oh, I remember that TV show,” it’s not your turn to talk. These are books.) Early on, my favorite part was […]

The one and only Warthog

In the early 1970’s my parents paid three hundred dollars for a 1967 Chevrolet Impala. This “impala” was a great growling beast of a four-door sedan. My father took one look at it and christened it the Warthog, explaining that this was a much more apt description of its basic properties. Among its many physical […]

Catch me if you can

I have heard it said that there are no atheists in foxholes; I think the same could be said for the experience of flying over an Alaskan mountain range on a clear spring day, albeit for a very different reason. As I look out the airplane window, I succumb to the ever-present temptation to take […]

A family of Chia pets

See? This is what happens when I a) really need a haircut and b) go to bed with wet hair. Blame it on my mother. She had, in her own words, hair like a horse’s tail. It was thick, coarse, and if she stopped paying attention for a short period of time, it would grow […]

To wave or not to wave

Being polite, walking that shifting line that is somewhere between standoffish and slightly weird, is a tricky business. When I was a teenager, I worked at the local gas station/convenience store for a while. My co-worker Rosetta often entertained the rest of us with stories. One time she told us about her nephew Shelley, who […]